Wednesday 5 June 2013

On the Framing Classical Reception Studies Conference: Day 0

This will be a short post, for two reasons. Reason One: I don't actually have a huge amount to report, since the conference doesn't officially kick off until tomorrow. Reason Two: I'm utterly exhausted. It's been a long day.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

On the Framing Classical Reception Studies Conference: Day -1

I’m willing to admit that I may be jumping the gun here by posting an entry for Day -1, but as this is a day of preparation and packing, I figure it's worth a few paragraphs. Day 1 of the Framing Classical Reception Studies conference isn’t until June 6th; tomorrow, Day 0, will see me attempting to travel from Birmingham in the UK to Nijmegen in the Netherlands without taking a wrong turn and somehow ending up in Algiers. I travel fairly frequently, but I've yet to shed my tendency to get lost at the drop of a hat. Assuming I beat the odds and do manage to get there in the end, I'm hoping the conference will prove worth all the effort.